Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sorry to have left you in the dark for so long, I hope you will forgive me!
Monday, August 22, 2011
In Victoria!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Plane or Train
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Canvasing in Nature
The Garden is Growing!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
What's Up with Lawns Anyways?!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Art Junction
Sunday, June 19, 2011
The Birth of a Garden!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Stewed Rhubarb and Banana
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
BOREAL FOREST!!trees...caribou...fresh air
The Boreal Forest. What is it? No really, what is it? Many of us have heard of it, maybe talked a bit about it in school, but how many people know the significants of it, and the stress it lives under.
After canvassing I am starting to learn a lot more about the Boreal, and frankly, fall in love with it.
The heart Boreal Forest is the largest intact forest in…THE WHOLE WORLD! That’s right, its bigger then the Amazon!! The reason I say “heart” is because the boreal forest used to be a lot bigger, but because of mining and forestry, the rest of the forest has become broken up and spotty, leaving the heart as the only intact portion left. Can you how big it would be if the other areas of the forest were left unscarred too?! CRAZY!! So it’s big! Since it is home to such a diverse range of animals and plant species, as well as it being the home to over 600 different aboriginal tribes, Canada is in the process of getting it recognized as a UNESCO world heritage site. Pretty sweet eh?!
However, Canada is also in the process of DESTROYING the heart. Or at least we are thinking about it. Currently there is a road that goes along the east side of Lake Winnipeg, however they are in process of extending this road. This sucks because it will put a lot of stress on the forest, however it does provide communities that are living in the boreal forest better access to outside goods, which would reduce the cost of food that is brought it. Whether or not bringing in food is the best way to feed such communities is another discustion all together. But anyways, so this road is being created, however along with this a lot of discussion has been going on about Bipole 3, which is a power line which they are planning on running from northern Canada to the USA. The debate is whether or not to run the line down the east or west side of Lake Winnipeg. It’s definitely a hot button topic, which I am faced with every night I go canvassing. There is no answer that will satisfy all parties, every option has draw backs, however, obviously, I am for the west side, as it does not run through the heart of the forest. Reducing the destruction that the forest has to deal with.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Assiniboine Flooding
Have you heard about the Assiniboine river in Manitoba? If you live in Manitoba you probably have, since it’s kinda a big deal, however if not, let me elaborate.
I’m no Manitoban, so I may get this wrong, but as far as I understand, the Assiniboine is one of the two large rivers (the other being the Red River) that flows in and through Winnipeg. Usually it’s the Red River that causes flooding issues, however this year the tables have turned and the Assiniboine is reeking havoc. Many farmlands and rural areas have been flooded, since they rest on low-lying floodplains. However, what is so controversial about the flooding is the fact that it was intentional. To save Winnipeg and avoid random bursting of the built up dykes a break in the dam was intentionally made.
As a result several hundreds of individuals had to evacuate, and many farmers have lost what some say to be their entire livelihood for the year. Premiere Selinger says that compensation will be provided, however to what extent in unclear.
Therefore, this is no laughing matter. In fact it was reported that the last time such an intense ordeal has occurred in Manitoba was 30 years ago, I don’t know about that, but I do know its intense. Even in the city the flooding of the river can be seen. Where trees are suppose to line the river there are no longer trees, since they have been engulfed by the rising water level. In Winnipeg there has not been any state of emergency (thanks to the sacrifice of rural communities) however who knows what’s in store.
Last I read the flooding was flowing with a current fast enough to fill 2 Olympic swimming pools every minute, that’s fast, and that’s only the water that is flooding out of the river. It’s a crazy time here, and crazier to think that all those people were sacrificed for me, and for others that are dwelling in the city.
How do you make those decisions? Kill one person to save 4, its still killing. But I would probably have done the same as the premier, its for the greater good. But its no easy choice. I definitely am not jealous of the place that Selinger is in.
Here’s to dry lands.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
My Mind is Reality, isn't it?!
It’s funny how we try to predict life, create storylines and fairytales in our minds of what the future will be like. Where we will live, what we will do, who we will spend our time with. It’s funny how these fairytales rairly reflect reality. Not to say that’s a good or bad thing, but simply that our minds reality is different from the reality that exists around us.
Take for example, my moving to
My life is uncertain. My mind continues to run around in circles being in love with the moment, then scared about my future, then confused as to what the heck I am doing with my life. What the heck am I doing? It’s a good question. I am obsessed with immediate answers, but life is not immediate, yet trying to rest into patience is also hard, because I feel like I am wasting my time. I feel like there is so much potential to better myself, and when I sit around and do nothing (like this morning…it is now noon, I have been up for over 3 hrs, and have not left the house) I feel as though I am not grabbing my life by the horns. And yet, I also realize that this notion is somewhat silly, because to grab lifes horns we sometimes need patience, oh those horns.
Ok, so take the serious of events that have befalled me since I arrived in
Oh the minds fairytales. So my life is in a state of confusion, turmoil, unrest. Everyday I struggle to find some control, which often causes more harm then not as I get kinda stressed about the control thing.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Re-Start and Off to WInni!
Its been a while…well, actually, its been a long while (at least three months). However, now that I am on my way to Winnipeg I thought I would re-establish my blog. I hope my past months of slacking have not tainted its reputation in your eyes. My plan is for this blog to continue as an expression of my life angst’s, articles that I find interesting and inspiring, and simply note-worthy life events. It’s a way to stay connected, keep those that matter in my life updated, however since it is a public domain I plan on keeping it fairly impersonal, so if you REALLY want to know how I'm doing, shoot me an email.
Revamp here we come!
A few months ago I decided to move to Winnipeg. It is a big step; I am scared, but also excited. When people asked me why I was moving to Winnipeg I never had much of an answer, “Uh, family and friends?”, “It’s a groovy scene there…”, which for some reason seemed somewhat unsatisfying for them, and slowly I started to wonder about my reasoning too.
How do we make choices? What defines a good versus bad choice? Are there bad or good choices or are there “just” choices? I find that if one moves because of a job, significant other, or school, then moving is socially acceptable/understandable. But what if one moves just for life? What if it just feels like the thing to do? In case you are wondering, that is why I am making my move. I don’t know if it’s the right choice to make, but then again I am not sure I believe in right or wrong choices. As my aunt says, “it’s not the choice that matters, but what you do with the choice once you’ve made it.” So here I go about to do something with the choice!
I am at a stage in my life where it would be really nice to root down somewhere for a bit. I don’t know what that is going to mean, how it is going to manifest, but I just feel like my soul needs it. There are so many things I want to do with my life that I will most likely move around throughout my life, but that doesn’t mean I can’t grow roots. Within the past 6 years I have grown so used to (and fond of) moving that the longest I have ever been in one place is 8 months, however more often then not it was less then 6 month. I blame this addiction to moving on the co-op program, which is a great program, but has created a nomad out of me. Although it is good in many ways, it makes for an impatient, flighty person that is scared of commitment and personal connection. This is why I plan on working on my personal patience. With patience I hope to adjust my perspective on life to the larger picture, focusing on the far off horizon, rather then the shoreline waves (or lack of waves).
Stay tuned as I face life and try to use this new found patience to find comfort with all of the unknowns.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
internal looking
Right now I am stuck. Stuck in this perpetual cycle of living to live, with everything I do feeling as though it is for me, to built my castle, my little dream world, and I don’t like it. (side note, this entry is more of a reflection on myself, my internal land rather then the physical world I see around me, end side note). I am struggling to find a way to connect myself to others, to bring my life greater meaning through helping others, or at least just building bridges. But perhaps that is still echo-centric. It’s a tricky situations, yet I feel very much like an isolated island right now, and as the days pass I notice how it is driving me a little crazy.
Its funny, because I feel like my life is very “perfect” right now, and therefore to complain about something seems wrong. I feel almost guilty to say that I am not over the top! Yet I am not. I find I am struggling with my lack of deep personal connections my life has with others. Yet what is stopping me? What is making this is impossible? And how do I change my life to solve this problem? Is it a problem?
Having just returned home (to my studio loft) from a friend’s book launch I reflect on the number of people that were there, and the support from such diverse areas in her life. She was such an insiring person in my life, and I doubt she even knows it. We lived in the same residence and she helped me stretch my boundaries, something that has helped me adventure to different coutries across the world. So how many people are there like that in my life that are priceless and don’t even know it? And to how many people am I that person? Perhaps I am not that person to anyone, and if so, that brings me some sadness, yet why? Why is that sad? I think maybe because that means that my existence does not hold any worth for anyone. Its funny how we crave for others to see worth in us, perhaps it is to ensure to ourselves that there is, somewhere, worth in ourselves, even when we don’t see any.
Anyways, its interesting. I feel like it would be nice to have more selve reflection time, more artistic time, more community outreach time. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but its very rigid, as you would expect an eingeering job to be, and it leaves little room for singing and dancing, for colouring outside the lines, and for playing hop-scotch with kids.
With all this said, I feel like I am a slave to money. To my apartment, and to my bills. Money has never been something I want to define my life with, yet I feel like I am letting it do exactly that. I am very thrifty, sometimes to a fault, with my money. Yet as I think about how much I could make as an engineer I start to day dream of all the things I could do with all that money…yet I also don’t want all that money if it means not being in love with life, and the everyday life! Not just the vacations, or weekends, but the days and daily tasks too. What I do know, is I need to try to let go of attachments, of daydreams of what tomorrow with be, because the future is unpredictable, and without flexibility how can we be open to opportunity!