Friday, November 13, 2009

Flowing Life, landfills, and randomness

As part of my schooling I have to complete a 4th year design project, and thus, here I am working on the project on a friday night while listening to Santam Laun, shes this peaceful-yogaish singer. Anyways, so going through responses to a survey we conducted for our project, and one unknown person responded to the question "Why dont you compost?" saying "The world's doomed anyway, composting won't make a difference. Also, I don't garden." Umm....WHAT?!

I started this post, about 2 months ago, and I am just getting back to it now. How time flies when in school. School, as many of you know has a way of taking over our lives. As I sit here, "studying" for my last exam, I am much too aware of that fact.

This past week has been devoted to hardcore it normally is when exams hit. So, I have made many lists of things I want to do when done, food to cook, gifts to make, and yoga and meditation to get back on track with. I hate how I let exams take over my life, and my body hates it too. As I was on a run the other day listening to one of my favorite podcasts, "Compassionate cook", she reads short stories, tells you about interesting/scientific nutritional info, and just teaches me soo much! Anyways, she said "my bodies not a landfill" in reference to all the preservatives we tend to put in our bodies, via the foods we eat, these days!
I loved that phrase, and now whenever I eat I think of it. Not to say I eat terribly unhealthly (at least not when NOT writing exams) but its a very awesome/valid way to put it!

Anyways, this term is almost over, with that comes christmas, snow and winter
. I love christmas, snow, but not winter. Its cold. I end my random ramble now.

Japan in a teacup (just to add to the randomness)